Gavin, who has sensory issues, didn't want anything to do with the paint. "It's too messy for me", he stated. So we pulled out the crayons and he went to town. I ended up helping him with his project too as he found some of the parts to color repetitive. But that's because he decided the bricks had to be all one color and thus creating his own repetitiveness. With crayons we colored on the floor which made the size of the box a non-issue.
We did question, as people sensitive to the environment and frugal by nature, whether or not we could have done that ourselves with our own cardboard boxes. But here's the deal...yes, I could have made my own...but chances are I wouldn't because I'm busy doing other things quite honestly. And these are way cooler than anything I could have come up with. I am not an artist by trade but come by perfectionism honestly. Anything I would have made would have looked like a six year old drew thanks. I'll take the Imagination Box Company's version any day.

- Creating it is play in and of itself but then the kids have a playhouse for imaginary play. Anna got out her "my little ponies" and immediately set up house. So there is value in this toy since it keeps on "giving".
- Made with sturdy double walled corrugated board, these toys are extremely durable so they're made to last.
- The details on the different boxes make them so unique. I tried to capture some of those details in a few of the pictures.
- They are so easy to put together. Plus, if your space is limited, like in our little house, just "unfold" them and tuck them under a bed or behind a sofa.
- It is fabulous for both individual and co-operative play. One of my kids has a hard time
"playing with others" but since he was the project manager cooperative play was welcomed. It was a joy to see that happen.
Kim and Russell, are not only co-owners of the company they are wife and husband too. Their story speaks to finding and honoring your voice. As artists and parents of three daughters, the last of which was home schooled and raised without cable TV, they were committed to encouraging creativity in their home. Russell actually made these boxes for their youngest and they became the neighborhood hit. Everyone wanted one!
Imagination Box Company is a direct reflection of their lifestyle. Many years ago, before it was hip to be green, Russell and Kim became concerned about the environment. They also became more uncomfortable with the messages that were being marketed to kids. They are strongly against any sort of violence in toys and also don’t believe in advertising directly to children. Getting back to basics is what they believe in. Peaceful toys for the children and the earth. What more can a Quaker mom ask for?
Imagination Box Company has generously offered my readers a chance to win a box of their choice. To enter all you have to do is go to their website , look at the choices, come back and leave a comment with which box you'd chose and a way to contact you.
Extra ways to enter:
- Click the "tell a friend" button at the end of this post and tweet about it. Use rt@LaterBetty and leave a comment that you tweeted. Feel free to follow me as well.
- Click the "tell a friend" button at the end of this post and choose another social network (my favorites are technorati and kirtsy), comment what you did.
- Follow me here or at I'll tell you later Betty or subscribe to my feed, comment that you did
- For five extra entries blog about this giveaway and leave a comment with a link to the post.
I like the ecards especially the mothers day ones.